Club Rules

UPDATED 31/10/2023
Registered with Charities Commission No. 279924
Fresh Water Drive
This members’ rule book, is revised in accordance to amendments made to the Associations
Constitution as at the AGM 16th May 2022.
The club should be known as “The Hookhills and Broadsands Park Residents Social Club”.
The objects of the club should be:
a. The provision of opportunities for recreation, social events and refreshments for the
benefit of its members, and support for the Hookhills and Broadsands Park Community
Association. (Hereinafter called The Association).
b. Assistance and provision of maintenance for the Crusaders Bar and the premises of the
Association at Freshwater Drive, Paignton. TQ4 7SB
All Association Members, shall be members of the Bar and Social Club and subscribe to the
objectives and aims of the Association.
Membership consists of :-
a. Individual Members, who shall be Full or Juniors.
b. No intoxicants shall be served to, purchased for or consumed by any persons under the
age of 18 years. Neither should any person under 18 years be permitted to play the
Gaming machines.
c. Full Members, may only sign in the same guest 3 times per membership year. If a guest
wishes to use the club more than three times in the same membership year, they should
be encouraged to join the Association.
New Members will need to be proposed and seconded by an existing member who is in
“Good Standing”.
Proposed new memberships will be displayed within the club for 1 week, to allow time for
the membership to object to the application. Any objections should be put in writing to the
Chairman within this period.
The Chairman of the Association, as elected under the constitution of the Association at the
AGM, will automatically become the Chairman of the Bar and Social Club.
The Committee and Officers of the Association, as elected under the Constitution of the
Association at the AGM, will automatically become the Committee of the Bar and Social
Club. All Business of the Bar and Social Club shall be dealt with at the regular monthly
committee meetings of the Association.
Rules and procedures for meetings will be as laid out in section 10 of the Associations
The Annual subscription shall be determined at the Associations AGM and shall become due
and payable on the first day of January each year.
If a member shall fail to pay their subscriptions within one month after it shall become due,
the Committee shall be entitled to give notice to the member of the closing date for re
issuing of the clubs membership cards and post notices accordingly. If any member fails to
pay, the Committee shall terminate membership without further notice. Joining fees may at
the discretion of the committee be due as well as the annual subscription.
AN AGM of the club shall be held in the month of May of each year, when the following
business shall be conducted:-
a. The presentation and if acceptable the passing of the accounts for the previous financial
year ended 31st March. Prior to the meeting the accounts must be audited by the clubs
appointed Auditor.
b. The election of the clubs Professional Auditors for the following year.
c. The business at an AGM shall be limited to that provided by these rules and those
further matters specified in the notice to convene the meeting. The quorum of any AGM
shall be 25 Full members.
The Club Secretary shall at least 21 days prior to any AGM display a notice of the meeting in
the club, stating the time, when and where and the nature of the business to be conducted.
An EGM may be called at any time by the Committee.
10% of all full members can request an EGM by putting request in writing to the club
Chairman, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. This meeting shall be
convened within 21 days.
The Club Secretary shall at least 14 days prior to any EGM display a notice of the meeting in
the club, stating the time, when and where and the nature of the business to be conducted.
The business at an EGM shall be limited to that provided by these rules and those further
matters specified in the notice to convene the meeting. The quorum of any EGM shall be 25
Full members.
The Management Committee shall have the power to expel or suspend any member, who
shall offend against the rules of the club or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the
committee render him/her unfit for membership of the club. Before any such member is
expelled or suspended the Chairman shall give him/ her seven days written notice to attend
a meeting of the Management Committee. The notice shall specify details of the complaints
made against him/her. No member shall be expelled or suspended without first having the
opportunity of appearing before the management and answering the complaint made
against him /her and unless at least two thirds of the committee them present voted in
favour of his/her expulsion or suspension.
If a member wishes to appeal any expulsion or suspension, this would be heard by The
Club’s President and one of the Clubs Trustee’s. Their decision would be final.
The Management Committee shall be empowered to elect temporary members of the club,
on such terms and at a subscription rate that they feel is fit and proper. The membership
shall not exceed one month and is subject to rule 3 hereof.
The number of Temporary members at no time should exceed one fifth of the clubs Full
Any adult member shall be entitled to introduce Guests to the club. No persons whose
application for membership to the Association has been declined or who have been expelled
or is presently suspended may be introduced as a Guest.
The Member who has introduces a guest, shall enter the guests name and his/her name in
the visitors book. The correct guest fee must be tendered at the bar and a receipt obtained
to prove they have been officially signed in to the club/ the introducing Member should be
present in the club for the entire period their guest remains in the club.
Guests are not entitled to buy alcohol for consumption OFF the premises.
Intoxicating liquor may be sold to persons, other than Members and their Guests, falling
within the following categories. Providing that the intoxicating liquor is sold for consumption
a. Bona fide recreation or entertainment groups visiting the club for a particular function.
b. Members of visiting sports clubs and teams and their supporters, officially invited in
connection with a fixture involving the club.
The premises, at the discretion of the management can be used 24 hours, 7 days per week.
These are the hours granted under the terms of our Club Premises Certificate. The
Management will determine the opening hours, and these hours will be displayed on the
clubs notice board. The committee have the right to alter these opening times at any time.
Under the Licencing Act 2003 and our Club Premises Certificate we are licenced for the
following “Permitted Activities”
• Entertainment facilities for dancing
• The supply of alcohol
• An indoor sporting event
• The sale by retail of alcohol to guests
• A performance of live music
• Any playing of recorded music
• Entertainment facilities for making music.
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
12:00 – 00:00 hrs
These times are our permitted hours and activities. Our actual hours will be determined by
the Management Committee and shown on the club notice board.
The supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club member ON or Off the premises
Monday to Sunday
12:00 – 00:00 hrs.
These times are our permitted hours. Our actual hours will be determined by the
Management Committee and shown on the club notice board.
The sale by retail of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to a guest of a member of the club for
consumption on the premises where the sale takes place.
Monday to Sunday
12:00 – 00:00 hrs.
These times are our permitted hours. Our actual hours will be determined by the
Management Committee and shown on the club notice board.
St. George’s Day, Bank Holiday Weekends and New Year’s Eve hours may vary at the
discretion of the Management Committee up 01:00am. These times will be displayed in
advance on the club notice board.
The Committee shall have the power to adopt and issue Rules and or Standing Order for use
of the centre. Such Rules and or Standing Order shall come into operation immediately,
providing always that they shall be subject to review by the Committee and shall not be
inconsistent with provision of the Associations Constitution.
The Management Committee may, from time to time, make, vary or revoke Bye-Laws for the
regulation of internal affairs of the club and the conduct of members. Until revoked all bye
Laws shall be binding on the club membership.
18. Control of Dogs
Members and their Guest may bring dogs into the club. Dogs must be kept under control at
all times and restrained on a leash of a maximum of 2 metres.
The Club and or the Committee and its Officers, shall not in any circumstances be
responsible to Members or Guest for any loss or damage by any reason.
Any member who introduces a Guest to the club shall accordingly indemnify the club against
all claims and demands by such guest for any reason.