Membership Costs
Membership cost is £15.00 per year Please Note: The new price will start from January 1st 2024. We also have the new Hookhills lottery draw that is drawn every last Saturday of the month at 9pm this will be an extra £10 (optional). This will give you 12 chances through the year to win. You may add the £10 onto your membership renewal form that will total £25 if you don’t want to play the new hookhills lottery draw, then as mentioned thereafter renewal will be £15.00.
Members draw being replaced: Just a Reminder!!!
Here are the explanation/rules of the (New draw).
We have an exciting New Members Lottery starting in January 2024. When you renew your membership of £15, add only £10 extra before the first draw to become a player
And help support the club, with entry into all of the 12 monthly draws throughout the year (Less than £1 per draw)
You will have the chance of winning up to 27 prizes each month, with a jackpot of £100, second prize of £50, five further £10 cash prizes and one or several of the available 20 £5 vouchers to exchange for drinks of your choice.
Further information can be found on the notice board or in recent newsletters.
“Having paid your £10 with your membership renewal and become a Lottery player you DON’T have to attend the draw night to win, but you DO have to collect your Prizes from the club later”.
You CAN’T win more than one CASH prize each month, but you could win multiple drinks vouchers if your number is drawn out several times, using the random number generator. Any members’ number drawn out who isn’t a paid-up player CAN NOT WIN, and the PRIZE forfeited, and won’t be redrawn that month. You have to be in it to win it, so join with only £10 and have 324 chances of winning some, or all, of it back throughout the year.
Runs January – January
Membership cards – Facts Sheet
Members are requested to produce their cards for every bar transaction!
In the event of a member not having his/her card, then the members’ number, or if not known, members’ name, may be entered
Members can “charge” their cards by cash or cheque at any time
Members’ guests must be “signed in” in the Visitor’s book. They must then pay the £1 fee over the bar (for the day), or £5 (for the week) and will be issued with a receipt. They will then be expected to retain the receipt as proof of temporary membership, and deemed to be members for the respective time. Transactions will go through the “Temporary Members” key
Visiting teams will be signed in “em bloc” at no charge, and be deemed to be members for the day of the fixture. Transactions will go through the “Visiting Teams” key
In the event of club socials where a charge has been made for entry, members’ guests will be deemed to be members for the duration of the event. Transactions will go through the “Temporary Members” key
No discount will be available to non-members attending private functions
Cards are not inter-changeable. Staff are asked to monitor closely – so please comply to avoid embarrassment
The only information on the cards is your membership number; the only additional information on the till is your name and any credit, (if applicable)
Please Note: A guest can only be signed in three 3 times a year, if the guest want’s to continue to visit the club they must become a member at £15 annually.
Thank You.